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Based on our accumulated know-how and technologies, we will continuously develop advanced network technologies to contribute to the development of the IT industry, and actively develop fields where businesses can be expanded.

Hello. Thank you for visiting the Dayou Plus homepage.

After starting as a company specializing in the development and production of transmission and network equipment, we have continuously pursued the development of specialized and distinguished products and services, while continuously accumulating core capacities and achieved growth and development based on advanced technologies. Based on our accumulated technologies, specialized networks, and R&D investments, we have continued development, and we are currently supplying outstanding products that we developed to major public offices and backbone communication businesses.

Based on the know-how and technologies that we accumulated thus far, we will continuously develop advanced network technologies to contribute to the development of the IT industry, and actively develop fields where businesses can be expanded.

Dayou Plus is now preparing for its second leap into becoming a world-class company. We will continue to do our best in placing utmost priority on quality and to maximize customer satisfaction and we ask for your support and interest in Dayou Plus that is growing into a world-class company.

Thank you.

CEO of Dayou Plus Park Sang Min